Tuesday 19 October 2010

Media dominant/alternative representaions

Specsavers advert (dominant)
This advert is about women being represented as lower class people towards men as they live in a jungle and they rush out of the jungle in result of the smell.this connotes the idea of sexual attraction towards the man in result of him wering the glasses and the smell but when all the women come close to the man they realise that the man is not that attractive therfore this connotes that women only are interested in mens smell and looks.
In addition, they are wering jus bikinis and most of them are blonde which indicates to the audience that blonde girls are known to be the way they are represented in this advert.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Media Awards productions analysis

The genre of this trailer is thriller in result of the different editing effects used e.g. echo on the sound, slow motion effects and flashbacks. This connotes danger and mystery which engages the audience’s attention a lot more. The narrative is non linear because of the flash backs and the cutting of scenes. Most of the story line revolves around disequilibrium events because of the continuous deaths of victims. This trailer also sends a message to teenagers the dangers of emailing and social networking.
Essex fairytale
The genre of this trailer is gangsters, gun crime and drugs. This trailer is also in black and white which connotes simplicity and it gives the trailer an “old school” looks with the music in the background. Very informal language which makes it appeals to the younger generation. It follows Todorov’s theory of a linear narrative; equilibrium, disequilibrium and a new equilibrium. This effective because it gives the trailer flow and engages the audience’s attention.    

Monday 4 October 2010

Media homework

Analysis of SAW 1
For my analysis of a horror film I choose “saw 1”. I choose this film because of it interesting climax. It is about an old man punishing people for the bad things that they have done by using people that they love as a scapegoat. The main protagonist is the old guy (Tom), he is the controller of the game and he conveys different messages across to his clients for their sins to be paid. This film is specifically aimed for and older generation target audience roughly ages between 19 to 40 years of age because of the brutal plot of this story. The genre of this film is horror and has a lot of bloody scenes which also makes it targeted to an older audience. Mainly males would be attracted to this genre film however; females may also be interested in watching this film for required reasons.   
The language that is used in the film is very informal and contains a lot of swearing when a crowd of people are trying to save their own lives. This creates a lot of tension to the audience and also creates a lot of suspense. The film also has a lot of enigma codes e.g. the old guy. We do not who he is, where he lives, or his name till the end. The film gives some hints of these factors of the old guy but does not give away the story in order to keep suspense. The film also has action codes e.g. when the girl puts the knife up into the air to stab her boyfriend in order to prevent her jaw from snapping in half.
Furthermore, the story goes in a flow of a linear pattern. The scenes are not all mixed up and an advantage of this is that the story has a nice rhythm and flow to it. The equilibrium is when the girl sits on the chair with the mask on her face. This creates a scary opening to the film and the props that are used connote death and violence due to their nature and looks. The disequilibrium in the film is when the girl finds her boyfriend lying on the ground with the key in his intestines. Then the new equilibrium is when she unlocks herself from the death mask and she waits their on the floor terrified of what might happen next. This is another enigma code in the film. Then she sees a shadow of something and she is very petrified of what that might be. This creates a lot of suspense for the audience.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq7FVtth39s